Panther Up-Date: August 10 Town Board meeting

About 20 community members who were concerned about the threat posed by panthers in Palisades attended the meeting held at Town Hall on Monday night. Bill Marple and Shane Hobel of Tracker SFI began by giving their report to the Board.


Orangetown Approves Funding for Two Weeks of Panther Tracking and Six Cameras

At 7 o’clock on July 28 Supervisor Kleiner and three members of the Town Board — Marie Manning, Nancy Low-Hogan and Michael Maturo — appeared at Town Hall for a special meeting called by Kleiner to consider a proposal dealing with the panther problem in the community of Palisades. The proposal, submitted by Carol Baxter, Susan Nemesday, Milbry Polk and Dana Stangel-Plowe on June 24, asked for funds to monitor the suspected black panthers for a month with the help of eight cameras. Tracking would be done by Shane Hobel, a member of Tracker SFI team; the proposal also included money for two traps. The total cost was $6000, $2500 for cameras, traps and equipment, and $3500 for a month of tracking and monitoring the cameras.


Palisades Deals with its Panther Problem

Palisades residents filled the community room of the Palisades Presbyterian Church on the evening of July 23, responding to an invitation to attend a 7 PM meeting on the panther threat to the community. Since last February, thirteen people in Palisades have reported seeing a large black feline (about waist high and more than 30 inches long) with a long black tail. Sightings have come from a number of different sites in the village and from sites in the Palisades Interstate Park (for details refer to lead story in the May 2009 10964 issue, “Black Panthers in Palisades”). The community has been kept informed about the panther sightings by e-mails from Carol Baxter and articles on the 10964 website,


Panther Update- July 19:

This morning an eviscerated deer carcass was discovered on Corbett Lane. This is sighting is consistent with the other sightings this week and with the tracking done by Shane. Last week a dead fawn was found behind Bjork’s house on Woods Road.


New Panther Sighting at the Goldman Home at the End of Woods Road

On Friday, July 10, friends of the Goldmans' were visiting the Goldmans with their children and nanny. The nanny is someone the Goldmans have known for years. While the Goldmans and their friends were out to dinner, the nanny was on the back porch and saw what she first described as a black bear hopping along the rocks near their garage.


Tracker Shane Hobel Speaks at Panther Party

A number of Palisadians attended a Panther Party at the Community Center on the afternoon of Saturday, May 2. After sampling wine and cheese, they heard from four of the ten people who have actually seen a panther in this area and then from tracker Shane Hobel, founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School in Beacon, New York.


Bulletin Board - May 2009

The Palisades Cemetery
The Palisades Lot Owners Trust ( P.L.O.T. ) needs help. Likely everyone reading this knows something of this small volunteer group that has taken on the maintenance of the otherwise uncared for cemetery since 1982. Private contributions have covered the cost of mowing and seasonal clean up, but it may not have been possible without the really kind consideration of Dennis Haight. Dennis’s father Howard is interned in the cemetery as are his aunts, uncles and more. Dennis’s charge for his labors was low to say the least; in part a tribute to his dad and other relatives. However, Dennis has moved away. Too far away to tend to the cemetery. Well, we need a person or persons to take over the responsibilities and to coordinate scheduling etc. with Bill Knudson. If you would like to discuss taking the job on or have suggestions for a candidate you can call Bill Knudson at 845/359-0160 or Lee Sneden at 845/368-0243.


Palisades Community Center, May 2009

We are increasing our offerings at the community center and welcome new programs. At our Annual Earth Day Tag sale this year, we joined up with Keep Rockland Beautiful and had clean-up supplies available for the community to clean-up their neighborhoods. We thank those who recycled their items wth us and the volunteers who helped with this event.


Palis-Agers May Meeting: Would You Go if You Had to Leave Your Home?

All of us want to remain in our own homes as long as possible. But things happen, and sometimes we can no longer manage alone at home. It is a good idea to investigate the alternatives, because some are better than others. Foreknowledge gives you the ability, in an emergency, to make choices you won’t later regret.


Palisades Presbyterian Church News - May 2009

Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast
Monday May 25th 8:00 -10:30 AM

On Memorial Day the Palisades Presbyterian Church will host their traditional pancake breakfast, an event always anticipated by local residents. Start the holiday with a hearty breakfast of juice, brown sausage links and golden pancakes at the bargain price of Adults: $5.00 and Children under 10: $3.00


An Afternoon of Opera

Rockland Center for the Arts (RoCA) joined with The Giulio Gari Foundation to present An Afternoon of Opera, featuring extraordinary voices and an elegant reception. The event took place at the Morales Estate, home of Leslie Morales, in Palisades, NY on Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 4pm to 7pm. The reception featured fine wine and delicious fare courtesy of Grandaisy Bakery, Manhattan’s premiere artisan bakeshop.


Palisades Free Library News - May, 2009

Check Out Our Blog! For the latest books, DVDs, and news at the Library. Link from our home page, Member of the Ramapo Catskill Library System 19 Closter Road Palisades, NY 10964 845-359-0136, Fax 845-359-6124,


Black Panthers in Palisades

We always thought that our community was special — blessed (or cursed) with lots of wildlife — but the latest addition to the list makes us truly remarkable. As well as deer, foxes, coyotes, possums, raccoons, woodchucks, muskrats, turkeys, peacocks, bald eagles, ospreys, copperheads and rattlesnakes, we seem to have black panthers.


Chief of South Orangetown Ambulance Corps Speaks to Palis-Agers

On January 21, Barbara Gupta, operational officer of SOAC, spoke at a meeting of the Palis-Agers. Although some of us have already called on SOAC in emergencies and discovered what a capable and helpful organization it is, we learned important facts during the course of Barbara’s speech.


Taking Care of Each Other in Palisades

Recently an elderly Palisades resident was discovered lying helpless and dehydrated in her own home by a concerned neighbor who had been keeping an eye on her. The neighbor’s vigilance may have saved the woman’s life. Of course not all situations where help is needed are that serious. But this story suggests that Palisades could use a forum where people could ask for help if they needed it and others could volunteer if they felt able to fill their needs.


Bulletin Board - March 2009

Rockland Center for the Arts

Rockland Center for the Arts envisioned skateboard decks that are normally mass-produced with factory graphics as blank canvases for artists. The result is a cool Skateboard Deck Exhibition and Silent Auction opening Sunday, April 19, with a public reception and continuing through April 31.


Palisades Presbyterian Church News - March 2009

Labyrinth Walk - Saturday, March 21st from 5:00 – 7:00 pm

The Lenten season, beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 25th until Easter Sunday, April 12th, is a time of quiet reflection, prayer and spiritual growth. As a special reflection for the season we invite you to attend a Labyrinth Walk at the Palisades Presbyterian Church. There will be a brief presentation given by facilitator Lynn Brown of Garrison, followed by time for walking a 24-foot portable canvas labyrinth in the Parish Hall.


In Our Backyard - May 2009

Tappan resident Deborah Brenner hadn’t practiced journalism since college and never imagined a sudden divorce would result in a book to be selected by Wine Spectator as Critical Reading for 2007 (Women of the Vine: Inside the World of Women Who Make, Taste and Enjoy Wine).


Palisades Free Library News - March, 2009


Tomorrow’s Workplace Employment Resource Center serves Rockland County. Services include: resumé workshops, computer training software and job bank. Web site: Don’t overlook the New York State Department of Labor web site. It has the latest information on unemployment benefits. You can also find publications on job searching, interviews and resumes and a database of all job openings on file with New York State;


March Palisades Community Center News

We’ve had a busy winter and are looking forward to spring so we can get back to making critical repairs. We are grateful to those who made financial donations and thank the following people who generously lent us a hand: Cellen Wolk who donated and planted dozens of daffodils, Robert Adzema for building a basement door at a discount, Larry Bucciarelli for donating driveway plows, Ed at Arbor Hill who donated a percentage of Christmas tree sales, Michael and Michelle Schwartz for donating Christmas trees to sell, Susan Nemesdy and Neil Balm for lending a hand and David Wolk for graphic art. A sincere thanks to Reddi-Alarm Fire Systems who installed a fire system quickly and at no cost. They were efficient and a pleasure to work with.