Letters to the Editor - From the Developer

We recently received this letter from Burton Dorfman, the developer of the RT 9W gas station property.


Shakespeare Costumes at Bunbury's

The THIRD ANNUAL Costume Exhibit of costumes from the productions of The Children's Shakespeare Theatre is now on display at Bunbury's Coffee Shop on Main Street in Piermont - just in time for Halloween inspiration!


Letters to the Editor - Gas Station Demolition on 9W

The old gas station in Palisades on 9W was demolished today. The action appeared to happen suddenly, without notification to the community. 10964 is publishing two letters about the situation along with some photographs.


Newsletter Donation to PCC Building Fund

The 10964 Newsletter recently made a generous donation of several thousand dollars to the Palisades Community Center's Restoration Campaign.


Beautiful Music from North Korea

The buses were waiting outside Peninsula Hotel in Beijing, China at 8:30 on a chilly February morning last winter, clouds of exhaust hanging in the dirty air, ready to carry the musicians of the New York Philharmonic orchestra and hundreds of others, including press, patrons, and support staff, to the airport to catch a flight to one of the most mysterious and closed societies on Earth today—the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).


One to One Learning Has a New Home

One to One Learning, the volunteer English-language teaching program run by Sister Cecilia La Pietra, has a new home for next year.


Community Center News - May 2008

The PCC is perfect space for your next party, meeting or class. For rental arrangements, contact Eileen Larkin at 359-6589. Don’t be left out! Join our e-mail list and we will e-mail you our monthly calendar of events: community.center@palisadesny.com.


Palisades Free Library News- May, 2008


Auslander, Shalom – Foreskin’s Lament
Bhutto, Benazir – Reconciliation
Carter, Jimmy – A Remarkable Mother
Downie, Ruth – Terra Incognita
Fairstein, Linda – Killer Heat
Garvey, Steve – My Bat Boy Days
Graham, Heather – Death Dealer
Kendall, Joshua – The Man Who Made Lists
Kinsella, Sophie – Remember Me?
Lahiri, Jumpa – Unaccustomed Earth
McCullough, Dennis – My Mother, Your Mother
Picoult, Jodi – Change of Heart


Angels in the Dust
Death at a Funeral
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
I’m Not There
The Kite Runner
Lake of Fire
No Country for Old Men
The Rape of Europe
Sweeney Todd
There Will Be Blood
Willow Tree
Alvin and the Chipmunks
Second Chances
Water Horse: Legend of the Deep


Palisades Bulletin Board, May 2008

Palisadian Kathy Sykes has joined the list of area potters, participating in a juried show, Made in Clay, sponsored by Greenwich House Pottery in New York City at the end of March.

Paul Papay has been appointed to serve on ACABOR, the Orangetown Architectural Community Appearance Board of Review.

Larry Bucciarelli has been re-appointed as a member of HABR, the Orangetown Historic Areas Board of Review.


Palisades Traffic Update

In January, at the annual PCC meeting, over two dozen community members shared their concerns to Town officials about Palisades traffic. Councilwoman Nancy Low-Hogan has been extremely attentive to resolving our issues and has been pro-active in involving Police Chief Nulty and Superintendent of Highways Jim Dean. A dozen residents also attended the Town of Orangetown Traffic Advisory Board meeting in March to alert them of our concerns. In the last two months, traffic police have been visible on Oak Tree and other streets in Palisades, for three weeks a blinking speed sign was near placed near Jawanio and a traffic count was conducted revealing increased traffic and speed of motorists.


SOCSD News, May 2008

Budget Vote and Board Election Information

The outcome of the annual school budget vote and Board election affects all residents. Mark your calendars for these important informational sessions to learn more and make it a point to get out and VOTE on May 20.



Midnight Run – Friday May 23rd 10:00 pm.

The church will participate in a Midnight Run on Friday, May 23rd; this is part of our mission outreach - touching the lives of some of the homeless people who live on the cold streets of Manhattan. We bring food, clothing and toiletries to designated locations around the city. Midnight Run is a volunteer organization dedicated to finding common ground between the housed and the homeless. Our local Hudson Presbytery is one of several Presbyteries that support this organization, and many other churches, synagogues and schools contribute as well to these midnight missions that take place every night of the year.


Progress for Palis-Agers

Last fall a small group of older Palisadians began to meet to discuss ways of supporting each other as they age in their homes. Returns to a questionnaire sent out in January indicated that a number of people were interested in the idea of such a support group.


Backstage Boutique

Here’s a surprising little gem for the light-footed set. Tucked into the dreary strip mall that used to house Food World, the Backstage Boutique is an easily overlooked shop carrying a comprehensive line of jazz, tap, ballet, hip-hop and ballroom shoes, as well as leotards for gymnastics and ballet, flesh-toned undergarments, tights, legwarmers and all the paraphernalia dancers, ice skaters and cheerleaders need to practice in comfort and style.


Bulletin Board

Successful Marathoner

Avi Barak completed the Arizona Marathon (his 6th) this winter in 3 hours, 25 minutes (7:50 min/mile). Avi thanks all his backers for their generous support of his continued efforts to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. To date, he has raised over $20,000 to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma.


Library News for March 2008

City Delights

The library has passes for the Guggenheim, Whitney, Natural History and Cooper Hewitt museums, as well as discount tickets for Broadway and Off-Broadway theater. Reserve the museum passes at the circulation desk. Pick up the discount tickets at the reference desk.


In Our Backyard

Riverspace Arts Center a New Presence in Community

There’s a phoenix rising in Nyack. Shaking off the dust of the now defunct Helen Hayes Performing Arts Center, Riverspace is a community-based performing arts center with a coherent strategy for the present, and ambitious plans for the future. The arts center is a joint effort between concerned citizens, and Friends of the Nyacks to ensure that high quality theater, music, film and dance have a presence in Rockland County. With one full-time employee (Managing Director, Dara Falco), a volunteer board of working professionals in the arts, a few techies, and a lot of smarts, Riverspace is tapping into an audience hungry for local live performance and quality entertainment.


Letter to the Editor - March 2008

I am writing in response to your article, “Aging in Place,” which appeared in the last issue of 10964.


New York State Primaries: How Palisades Voted

For more information about elections and your elected representatives, visit the Rockland County Board of Elections website. Know who your politicians are—Look it up!


March 2008 -- Community Center Board Welcomes New Members

Welcome to our new PCC board members, Alice Buchanan and Jill Wecht.
We extend heartfelt thankyous to Linda Jouas (who served as our treasurer for 20 years), Henry Ottley (who provided much construction labor and our beautiful PCC sign), and Tony Gerard (who provided legal advice and support). They have recently stepped down from the Board.