Bulletin Board, May 2012

The next meeting of the Palis-Agers will take place on Thursday, March 22, at 1:30pm in the Community Room of the Palisades Presbyterian Church. Coffee and cookies will be served and we will have a chance to talk with each other about our lives and concerns.

In January 2012 Alice Gerard was appointed a member of the Rockland County Historic Preservation Board, which is concerned with preserving the county’s historic past.

A book on the life of Palisades historian and longtime resident Alice Haagensen, assembled from her writings, diaries and family pictures, is now available at the Palisades Library and on the internet from lulu.com. The title of the book is Alice Munro Haagensen.

With spring just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about our gardens. Here are some plant sales, lectures and garden walks.

The Garden Club of Irvington is holding a plant sale on Saturday, May 12, from 10:00 to 2:00pm, at Lyndhurst (635 Broadway, Tarrytown). Annuals are propagated by Lyndhurst; perennials and herbs are from members’ gardens. On March 24, from 10:00 to 2:00pm, the Garden Club will present a rose pruning demonstration here.

The Wildflower Native Plant Center at Winchester Community College in Valhalla is holding its annual wildflower and native plant sale on Saturday, April 28, from 10:00 to 12:00 noon (9:30am for members). Many of the plants are deer resistant and most attract bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. Professionals will be on hand to help with the selection. Go to www.nativeplantcenter.org or call 914-606-7870 for information on membership, excursions and events.

The Garden Club of Nyack’s plant sale will be held on Sunday, May 12, at 507 North Broadway in Nyack from 10:00 to 2:00pm. Plants are from members’ gardens. Bumps and Company and Hook Mountain Growers will also have stands.

Wave Hill, at 675 West 252 Street in the Bronx, holds its annual plant sale in the fall. On March 24 there’s a seed starting demonstration from 1:00 to 3:00pm. On April 29, senior staff will be available from 1:00 to 3:00pm for personal plant advice. On Sundays at 2:00pm staff and volunteers lead garden tours. Admission is free on Tuesday mornings. A series of workshops are planned for April. Go to www.wavehill.org for more information.

Everything old is new again. On January 24, David and Holly Seeger finally consented to allowing Sam, their son, to post their 1986 music video, The Karate Rap, on SamFrom- Glove, his youtube channel. As the Seeger kids had predicted, overnight the views began climbing. They are now up to 450,000+ hits. Only on the Internet! Ironically, back in the mid 80’s, MTV would not even consider putting rap on television; not The Karate Rap, for which no one really blames them, or anyone else’s for that matter.

The comments are hilarious, ranging from, “Did she say she’s a samur-ette?” to “Who are these people and why are they dressed like the villains from Superman II?” There are other more colorful comments, as one might imagine. This video can be viewed by searching SamFromGlove or The Karate Rap.
Hey, karate means never having to say you’re sorry!

GraceMusic presents A Viennese Rivalry on Sunday, March 25, at 4:00pm at Grace Church. Baseless rumors about the rivalry of Mozart and Salieri inspired the film Amadeus. Both men were internationally famous composers, but the “rivalry” story has tarnished Salieri’s reputation and today his works are nearly forgotten. The Grace Church Choir and Orchestra remedies this situation, reuniting the “rivals” by performing extravagant musical delights by both, including Salieri’s seldom heard Hofkapellmeister Mass in D, Mozart’s Solemn Vespers (K. 339) and an Epistle Sonata by Mozart for organ and orchestra. David McFarlane is the featured organist. Robert Barrows conducts. Tickets: $15; $10 seniors; $5 students. A meet-the-artists reception follows the performance. Grace Church is at 130 First Ave, Nyack. For more information call 845-358-1297 ext. 16 or go to www. gracemusic.info

If you are a senior and are looking for someone to assist (food shopping and preparation or rides to a doctor’s appointments, etc.) Please contact Lee Farber, a 41-year-old male nursing student. Handicap friendly. References available (917) 755-3187,mrleefarber@ yahoo.com.