Bulletin Board: May 2015

South Orangetown Central School District Budget Vote
The Annual Budget Vote and Board Election will be held Tuesday, May 19, from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. Palisades residents vote at the Tappan Zee Elementary school on 561 Route 9W in Piermont. The 2015/2016 proposed budget of $85,969,882 is 0.49% less than last year’s budget. For more detailed information, visit the District’s website at www.SOCSD.org and click on Board of Education meeting presentations.

Milbry Polk Organizes Arctic Voyages
For over a decade, Milbry Polk, co-founder of WINGS World Quest, has been supporting and bringing to light the work and discoveries of today’s women explorers. Milbry is working with Adventure Canada on two Arctic voyages that are open to the public: Newfoundland and Wild Labrador Voyage July 5 - 17; and Heart of the Arctic Voyage July 17 - 29. For more details, visit Milbry’s website at www.milbrypolk.com

Walgreens Update
The proposed Walgreens at the intersection of Route 303 and Oak Tree Road was granted preliminary approval by the Orangetown Planning Board on February 11, 2015 with conditions: a redesign of the curb line on Oak Tree Road to create a turning lane into the Walgreens parking area; and a redesign of the bus stop so a bus can pull out of the traffic lanes when stopping to pick up and discharge passengers. The board also requested that while cars traveling northbound on Route 303 can enter via a right turn, there will be no left turn entrance from Route 303 headed south, and no exit onto Route 303 in either direction. However, because Route 303 is a state road these requests must be finalized by the New York State Department of Transportation.

Walgreens also received variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals on March 18 that allow for 62 parking spaces instead of 66, and smaller signage without the illuminated electronic reader board originally proposed.

The project goes back to the Planning Board for final approval.

Gesner Diary To Be Published By Subscription
All four volumes of the Nicholas Gesner Diary, written by Nicholas Gesner between 1829 and 1850, will be published by subscription at the beginning of June and will be available in August. If you are interested in subscribing to any or all of the four volumes please call Alice Gerard at 845-359-4338 or e-mail her at gerard55@verizon.net. Each hardbound copy will cost about $20.

Greta Nettleton And Mollie Sneden Appear At Symposium In Johnstown
Greta Nettleton spoke on “Women’s Career Opportunities in the 19th Century” at the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Symposium, held to honor the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of our nation’s greatest woman’s rights advocates. Several hundred men and women braved a March blizzard to celebrate Mrs. Stanton’s life and accomplishments in Johnstown where she was born.

Palisades’ own Mollie Sneden showed up at the event, too! Her biography appears in a history booklet titled Women of Distinction about the notable women of New York State whose stories are sometimes slighted in school history books. New York State Senator Hugh T. Farley, who represents the Johnstown district, spearheaded the effort.

Mollie was listed along side Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell (the first woman physician), Belva Lockwood (the first woman lawyer), Eleanor Roosevelt, Estee Lauder, Mme. C.J. Walker, and many others; pretty good company for a notorious Tory who favored the British during the Revolution!

Palis-Agers To Meet May 14
On February 19, Vivi Hlavsa came to our Palis-Agers meeting and gave us information about the Satisfied and Staying in Place groups she has started. These groups, composed of older people in several New York communities, help their members by arranging regular social contacts, providing solutions to some of their problems, and creating ways for people to help each other.

We are talking about how we might create such a group in Palisades for a time when we become frail elders and will need more help. We also like the idea of supporting others who might need help or companionship. It would be open to anyone over the age of 65.

On March 26 we viewed a new film called Homes on the Range at the Palisades Free Library. It presents an inspiring alternative to nursing homes; Maria has ordered the DVD so it will be available if you are interested in seeing it.

We will next meet on May 14 at 1:30 pm in the community room of the Palisades Presbyterian Church. We welcome anyone interested in joining us for conversation, cookies and coffee. If there are particular issues you would like to discuss or to learn about, please let us know.

Welcome Paul Riccobono
We welcome Paul Riccobono to the neighborhood and are pleased he will be joining our 10964 staff. Paul and his wife Suzanne recently moved into Sabelle Breer’s old Victorian home on Closter Road. Paul serves on the board of advisors at the Center for Environmental Therapeutics, a non-profit organization specializing in environmental therapies for treatment of seasonal affective disorder and depression. He reports that his are usually the first set of footprints on the trails in Tallman after it snows.