Bulletin Board October 2009

Attention: Snake Bite Alert

It is not news that copperheads live in our area. Recently a worker was bitten by a copperhead snake on Tweed Blvd.

What to do if you are bitten: Contact Jacobi Medical Center Regional Snakebite Treatment Center (Level 1 Trauma Center)
Children’s Emergency Room: 718-918-5875
Adult’s Emergency Room: 718-918-5800
Address: 1400 Pelham Parkway South Bronx, NY 10461

The ONLY Regional Snakebite Treatment Center, Jacobi treats snakebite victims from the entire New York City and tri-state area. Treatment is provided in cooperation with the herpetology staff of the nearby Bronx Zoo.

Organic CSA Now Forming

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) gives people the opportunity to “own a piece of the farm” and reap the benefits by a weekly supply of that week’s harvest throughout the entire growing season (approximately 20 weeks). As a CSA member, you pay a one-time fee for the entire season in advance.

This provides the farm the crucial start-up money that is needed to purchase seeds and get the new season up and running. It’s “your” farm, coming to you each week. Blooming Hill Organic Farm CSA is located in Orange County and produce is delivered. To join CSA, contact Carol Baxter at carolbaxter7@gmail. com or 398-2521.

O&R Substation Update from SaveTappan.com

There are now two O&R substations attempting to receive approval: Tappan and Orangeburg. At July’s Orangetown Planning Board meeting, there was much community opposition to the Orangeburg substation both from Old Tappan, NJ and Orangeburg residents. The Planning Board requested that O&R return on Sept. 16th with the cost to enclose the substation in a building.

It is important to attend Orangeburg substation meetings because any decisions made and interpretations of the town code will set a precedent and affect the Tappan substation.

Outside In Presents

The OUTSIDE IN Piermont is pleased to exhibit two acclaimed artists and Palisades residents. Grace Knowlton. “Mixed Messages: Directions in New Media” features mostly mixed media works by Ms. Knowlton. The show runs from September 17th through November 1st.

Cristina Biaggi will be unveiling her new show “Woodspeak: Creating Form” at The OUTSIDE IN Piermont from November 5th through December 6th. An opening reception is planned for Sunday, November 8th, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. The OUTSIDE IN Piermont, 249 Ferdon Avenue, Piermont, is open Thursday through Sunday 11:00 to 6:00 pm. (845) 398-0706.

Oak Tree Printers

Oak Tree Printers (Nick and Rosanna Sfraga) who helped to spearhead the O&R substation effort has moved. Heading toward Rte. 303 on Oak Tree Rd., watch for their sign on the left after the Oak Tree Inn (formerly Finn McCool’s). 359-0181.

October 17: Harvest Festival

The Palisades Presbyterian Church is holding its annual Harvest Festival on October 17th from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm. Home-made soups will be served along with homebaked pies and desserts. There will be face painting and games for children. Local crafts-people will be offering their wares. As part of the festival, the church is holding a silent auction of goods and services. They are asking for donations of all kinds of interesting and desirable items from the community and local merchants. Please contact Michael Shapiro at 359-5660 with any questions you may have or to pledge anything you may want to donate to the auction. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

People to People

is Rockland County’s largest food pantry, providing food and other services to nearly 600 families every month. The Palisades Presbyterian Church collects and delivers food to the People to People food pantry on a regular basis. You can drop off canned or dry goods at the church or at the collection bin located at the Palisades Post Office and we will make sure your contribution gets to People to People. Thank you for your support!

Palisades Post Office

Since July 28, 2009 the daily operations of many of our U.S. Post Offices were adjusted to ‘Summer Hours’. These hours of operations will continue until further notice.

Monday– Friday: 8 am-1 pm & 2:30-5 pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm
Subu, Karen and Santhosh will continue to assist you with passport acceptance, domestic and international mailing services, postage stamps, money orders, packaging products, mail delivery and all other postal services. Remember to mail early during the upcoming holiday seasons.

Mary B. Whatley, Postmaster

Cristina Biaggi

October 8th-25th “Visual Political Statements from 1977–Present,” at the Piermont Flywheel Gallery, 223 Ash Street, Piermont. 845.365.6411 www.piermontflywheel.com
Hours: Thursday & Sunday 1-6 pm; Friday & Saturday 1-9 pm or by appt.
Reception: Saturday, October 10 4-6 pm.

Rockland Symphony

The Rockland Symphony Orchestra will present the Young People’s Concert on November 1st at 3:00 pm at Rockland Community College. The program includes 17 year old violinist Ellen Mutter playing the first movement of the B minor violin concerto by Saint-saens; the Beatles’ Here, There, and Everywhere; 16 year old pianist Victoria Pai playing the first movement of the A minor Piano concerto by Robert Schumann; and the Yiddish song Dayenu.

Children’s Shakespeare Theatre

“Give us your hands if we be friends…” A person attending a play 400 years ago would have known right away that this phrase meant “Applaud, if you liked the show!” We at Children’s Shakespeare Theatre hope that you will come and be one of our friends this year. If you have never seen a show, it’s time!

Our shows are not just for children and they are not only for those who understand and love Shakespeare. Time and again we are told that the young actors make the stories easy to understand and delightful to watch, and this season’s line-up has something for everyone.

We begin in November with classic rock! Our Much Ado About Nothing is a story of a rock band coming back from tour, and two of the band members falling in love with two cousins who live in the house where they’re visiting. Both relationships undergo a really rocky time (little pun there!), but the lovers come out on the other side wiser and more committed. With a great soundtrack including songs by Foreigner, Journey, Donna Summer and Carole King, you may just take a trip down memory lane. Come for a stroll on November 6, 7, 13 and 14.

In December we will celebrate the season of lights with A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or should we say mid-winter? Our production of this easy-to-love classic will be set in the Roaring 20’s with flapper fairies and ragtime music. It’s sure to put you in the holiday spirit, so join us on December 4, 5, 6 and 12.

In the spring we’ll finish our season with another comedy, Twelfth Night, and one of Shakespeare’s most rich and moving stories, King Lear. Look for updates on these shows in early 2010.

The Children’s Shakespeare Theatre has been an important organization in Palisades for 10 years and we believe that it’s time to expand our programming to bring the joy of Shakespeare’s stories to a broader community. This year we will be raising funds to produce a teaching film to send out to schools across the country. We hope that this film will help teachers find ways to bring the plays alive in their classrooms through some of the techniques that our children use in rehearsal. If you would like to help us make this film, please let us know. We are accepting donations and help of any kind at Children’s Shakespeare Theatre, PO Box 558, Palisades, NY, 10964. Hope to see you at the show! Diana Green, Executive Director

Classified Ads

Tutor/Dog Walker Available
Reliable and responsible college graduate available for general tutoring. Graduated from Pratt Institute (an art school) with a degree in Illustration, so also qualified for art instruction. Additionally, I am available for dog walking/running. Please call (845) 664-0182 or email fgerardl@pratt.edu.
Cory Gerard-Little
71 Woods Road, Palisades, NY (845) 359-3261

Hit the Nail on the Head
Robert Adzema is available for carpentry jobs, bookshelves, furniture restoration, doors replaced or rehung, and all sorts of home repairs (and of course custom-made sundials!). (845) 359-5421

House Sitting for People with Pets: Board Your Animals in the Comfort of Your Own Home
Going on vacation can be a traumatic time for your pets. Kennels are synonymous with cages and barking and disease. Let's keep their environment and daily routine as close to normal while you're away. Veterinarian Technician for 5 years. Comfortable with all types of animals, administering medications, and handling any emergency. Trustworthy and reliable. Available for short and long-term stays. Reasonable rates. References on request. If you have to leave home without them, don't leave them home alone.
Sarah Wolk Swolk84@yahoo.com Phone: (845) 323-6040