March 2007 -- Community Center News

In Search of Extraordinary Palisadians

Fundraising Event Planned for Fall, 2007

As we all know, Palisades has been truly blessed by being inhabited by charismatic, progressive and globally conscious individuals who have strived diligently to have a positive impact on our precious community as well as that of the world around us. Some young, some old, some in between, you know who they are. They are your neighbors, friends, and family – they are Palisadians. Some have made small, humble changes, some have stirred the soup and turned it into chili. These individuals deserve to be duly honored and thanked for their service to our community. The Palisades Community Center Board feels this is long overdue.

The Palisades Community Center itself is also long overdue for attention as well. A serious leak in the ceiling caused by roof and gutters that desperately need replacing, a 40-year old boiler that is on its last legs, the need for signage and dead tree removal, a sinkhole in the front yard, un-insulated walls leading to astronomical heating bills in the winter, the repair list goes on and on.

What is a Board to do? The Palisades Community Board has decided to link the needs of the center with the need to honor special Palisades individuals.

On Saturday evening, June 9nd, 2007, [now postponed until fall] we will hold our first annual fundraiser reception to kick off the Palisades Community Center Capital Campaign. At the same time, we will honor one or more deserving Palisadians with an award to show our appreciation. The festivities will include a unique reception with specialty food items, a silent auction, and possibly some musical offerings. The event will also mark several key milestones such as the 30th anniversary of the 10964 newsletter and its newly created website.

We cannot do this without your help! Nominations can be submitted to the Palisades Community Center by e-mailing us at:, or clicking on the Community Center box on this website's homepage for mail and telephone information. Information about tickets will be offered soon through the Palisades Newsletter on-line, or by contacting Michèle Balm at

As the Center heads into 2007, the Center's Board is pleased to welcome new Board member Carol Baxter. A warm congratulation goes to Dr. Virginia McCauley for becoming an honorary board member after several decades of dedicated service to the Palisades community.

Nomination Form pdf to download (File Size: 199 KB)