Community Conversations

Building on the history of the Palis-Agers, the March 2023 issue of 10964 included a poll asking readers about their desire to hold regular, participant-led conversations to share joys and concerns, strengthen relationships and discuss topics of interest in the community. The survey results were quite positive and four gatherings were held last spring, with a group of 15–20 in a wide range of ages participating each time. Topics ranged from spotty cell phone service to humorous high school anecdotes.

Long-time resident Adriana Bartels affirmed that “in an increasingly isolating time, contact with our neighbors through Community Conversations enriches our lives and helps keep us informed of new developments.” And The Rev. Erin Moore, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church where the discussions are held, said that these conversations “provide deeper insights into the concerns of the community as well as appreciation for those who truly care about their neighbors.” The group voted overwhelmingly to resume meeting in the fall on the second and fourth Thursdays at 1:00 pm at the church. The next meeting will be on Thursday, October 12. All are welcome!