December 07 Palisades Community Center News

Autumn brought twenty scarecrows to Palisades, all dressed up and ready to bring that special Halloween spirit to our hamlet. A huge thank you goes out to Larry Bucciarelli who provided the lumber, labor and homemade honey! Another heartfelt thanks to Carol Baxter who got this great idea going as well as Carol Knudson, Sheila Chin and Michèle Balm for working on covering the production aspects from clothing and stuffing for the crows to warm apple cider and donuts, to pumpkin carving tools. The event was a big crowd pleaser and sure to be repeated in years to come!

The Board is working diligently on producing several events bringing the holiday spirit closer to the Community Center. First up was the Women’s Artisans Holiday Craft Bazaar on Saturday, November 24th, from 10 am to 5 pm. We showcased finely made crafts by women artisans from the surrounding area just in time for holiday gift giving. Also, holiday wreaths and rustic décor items were sold outside from Blooming Hill Farm. Soups and goodies to stay or to go were available on site through the help of Mimi’s Plate.

On Friday, December 21st, holiday carolers of all ages are sought to bring holiday cheer to those who are home alone, sick, or in need of some cheer. The carolers will meet at 11 Horne Tooke Drive. At 4 pm sharp music will be handed out and vocal chords will be warmed up. This songfest will end at the Palisades Community Center around 5:30 pm with a reception with hot chocolate, holiday treats and maybe even a surprise visitor to culminate the evening.

Don’t know what to get for that special Palisadian during the holidays? Think about purchasing the documentary, “A Living History - Palisades, Part I,” which gives us glimpses of years past in our hamlet of Palisades, when Dumkin’s blacksmith shop became Blacksmith Tea Shop, a very successful eatery, or when crazy parties with Vivien Leigh, Orson Welles, Noel Carter, Gertrude Lawrence and countless other famous artists who were part of the Palisades landscape.

Alice Gerard, Dorothy Thayer, Albon Mann and Bill Knudson express viewpoints and memories about Palisades and Snedens Landing while the late Joe Hyde reviews the “Double Bubble” cooking theory. There are so many wonderful stories told by so many, one really needs to own a copy to listen to them all. The inventory of the two part, three hour DVD set of “A Living History - Palisades, Part I” has been replenished at the Palisades library and is again on sale there for $35 or by contacting Michèle Balm (359-3776). All proceeds of the DVD sales go towards the PCC restoration campaign.

NEW THIS YEAR! There is a possibility that we will be selling Christmas trees at the PCC on Saturday, December 15. Mark your calendars! A percentage of the sale of each tree will go to our Restoration Campaign Fund. To get a sense of how many trees we will need, please e-mail Carol Baxter to “reserve” a tree by December 7th. We will have 4 to 5, 7 to 8, and 9 to 10 foot trees available. Watch for flyers and signs and we will post the announcement on the 10964 website at

Also, on December 15, PCC will be a People-To-People Donation Center! Join with us by donating a gift item or clothing for boys or girls 12 to 18 years old. Bring gifts to PCC between 10 am and 4 pm. For further information about reserving a tree as well as People-To-People, email

There’s still time to submit your favorite recipe to Alice Gerard ( or Mary Tiegreen ( for inclusion in the upcoming Palisades cookbook to benefit the Community Center.

Last but not least, the annual PCC membership meeting will take place Wednesday, January 30th, 2008, at 8 pm in the Center. Possible guests will include Thom Kleiner, Nancy Low-Hogan and Michael Maturo. Additional discussion will focus on the future of the Community Center, updating the PCC by-laws, as well as inducting new board members. All residents of Palisades are invited to attend and participate in this open forum.