Letters to the Editor - Gas Station Demolition on 9W

The old gas station in Palisades on 9W was demolished today. The action appeared to happen suddenly, without notification to the community. 10964 is publishing two letters about the situation along with some photographs.

Letter of protest from a neighbor

Dear friends and neighbors,

It is with great sadness I am writing this note to you. I am watching out my window as the land around the historic gas station is being clear cut.

The gas station was built in 1939 and was the first gas station in NYS to service anyone traveling from north or south. RT 9W was the major thoroughfare. (The PIP was built in the 1950's.) For 70 years the gas station has been an important landmark in our Palisades community. The architectural style of this gas station has been captured in paintings by Edward Hopper and other artists.

The gas station has been used a number of times for movie sets.

Owner Henry Kennel and his wife sold gas and also fruits and vegetables that they grew across the street. Mrs. Kennel sold her pies. Neighborhood children walked there for penny candy and ice pops. Men hung out sharing stories and drinking sodas. Years later the famous neon Indian Motorcycle sign was stolen off of its roof. In the 1990's, it was the place to have lunch at the Oasis.

I walked over there to talk to the "designer" to ask what they were doing exactly. He said he did not know. I asked who the owners were. Again he said he did not know. I asked him how he could work for someone he did not know. He shrugged. This is the face of the new Palisades.

This summer the new owner, Burton Dorfman apparently got permission to tear the cinderblock building down because they said it was falling down. It was not. I walked over there and photographed it. Now the new owner has bulldozed everything in the back of the gas station.

It looks like it will be a huge parking lot eventually, but who knows.. Do they realize it is a wetland? Did they get permits to get around the state laws and if so who issued them? when?

I live across the street and in the last 2 1/2 years, I haven't received any notification of any applications or meetings with any of the Planning or Review Boards. Why aren't our elected officials looking out for our community good?

It is important for the owners to know that the community is watching them as they enter the next phase of development.

Thank you

Milbry Polk

Town of Orangetown official response:

Thom Kleiner, who is out today for the holiday, asked me to get you some background information on this issue:

The applicant received approval from the Zoning Boards of Appeals on July 3, 2005 and approval from the Historic Area Board of Review on June 13, 2006 followed by site plan approval from the Planning Board on July 26, 2006. At that time, the plan showed that two of the four walls of the gas station were to remain. Subsequently, the applicant’s engineer inspected the building and determined that it was structurally unsound. The Town Building Department also reviewed the buildings and, we now believe, concurred. The applicant returned to the Historic Area Board in July, 2008, shared the information about the integrity of the structure, and received unanimous approval (with member Larry Bucciarelli absent) to tear it down. At that time, HABR had no notice requirement for abuttors. (On September 22, the Town Board adopted more stringent notice requirements for all land use boards including HABR.)

Our understanding is that the applicant will construct a farm stand at the location. The buildings will replicate those that were, or will be, taken down, although there will be an addition on what was the original gas station. Please feel free to call me at 359-5100, ext. 2293. Thom will be back tomorrow and may be reached at ext. 2261.

Suzanne Barclay, A.I.C.P.
Executive Assistant to Supervisor Thom Kleiner
845/359-5100, ext. 2293