LG Construction Above the Palisades Update

The LG headquarters controversy continues. On August 13, 2014 the Englewood Cliffs Borough Council voted to reinstitute a building height limit of 35 feet for all of Englewood Cliffs. This reverses a 2012 decision by the borough’s now defunct Zoning Board to allow buildings up to 90 feet high on commercial lots between five to 25 acres, and up to 150 feet on lots larger than 25 acres. The increased height limits were instituted after the borough was sued for giving electronics giant LG a variance to build a 143-foot tower as part of its new U.S. headquarters.

Grassroots organizers, several environmental groups and numerous neighboring towns in New Jersey and New York are pursuing a separate lawsuit contesting LG’s plan. A State Senate bill prohibiting buildings over 35 feet within 2,000 feet of the Palisades from north of Fort Lee to the New York State line is working through New Jersey’s legislature. If passed, the bill will apply retroactively to all structures for which the foundation was not completed by May 1, 2014. A recent article in The Korea Times states “a source familiar with the issue” said LG is considering reducing the height of its proposed office tower, but this could not be substantiated. As of now LG’s variance remains valid and the company has not announced any plans to change its design.