Maki, my 13 and a half-year-old, wire-haired Dachshund died this August. He was born in January of 2001, the eight puppy of a litter from our dog Dandelion. After the dramatic birth of seven puppies over the course of 20 hours we thought Dandelion was finished and took her to the vet. On the way home my 10-year-old Noah, ex claimed from the back seat of the car, “Mommy, Mommy something strange is coming out of Dandelion! Itʼs another puppy!”

Suddenly I heard the small mewling sound of a newborn puppy. We called this eighth puppy MAKI because he was born in my partner Patʼs car whose license place read “Maki” in honor of a beloved dog who had died 3 years before. When Makiʼs devoted brother Blossom died a few months ago Maki started to go into a decline; he missed him so much.

Maki was a lovely little dog – some- what shy and retiring unlike his more boisterous brother, but very, very loving. He gave passionate continual little kisses until his death. I miss him terribly.