Oak Tree Road Sidewalk-Action Alert!

It is the Dept of Highways understanding that there is $150,000 in the 2009 budget for sidewalks in the Town of Orangetown. The Town Board determines how the sidewalk money is to be allocated. Last week there were 3 Highway Dept men assessing both the north (the wooded area) and south side (in front of the Ottley’s and the Papay’s) of Oak Tree Road between the Post Office and RT 9W.

There are many who have expressed safety concerns about this stretch of Oak Tree Road and are in favor of a sidewalk being built, NOW IS THE TIME to let Thom Kleiner and the Council members know that a sidewalk is necessary for the safety of children, pedestrians and commuters along this hazardous stretch of Oak Tree Road between RT 9W and the Post Office.

This year, we have made headway by getting approvals for a sidewalk from the Traffic Advisory Committee and the Highway Department. Now the Town Board needs to approve it.
We are very close to making this a reality!

Write to them all at:
Thom Kleiner- Tkleiner@orangetown.com
Nancy Low-Hogan- nlowhogan@optonline.net
Mike Maturo- Mmaturo@orangetown.com
Marie Manning- mmanning@orangetown.com
Dennis Troy- Dtroy33@orangetown.com
CC- Suzanne Barclay- sbarclay@orangetown.com