Oak Tree Traffic and RT 9W intersection UpDate

Palisades representatives continued their pressure on the town to correct a number of issues residents have complained about for years. In response to our recent e-mail campaign, about three-dozen residents wrote to town off cials requesting a reevaluation of the Route 9W intersection including lowering the speed limit on 9W, installing a sidewalk and traffic calming on Oak Tree Road.

Supervisor Whalen was pro-active, coming out to view the intersection and to walk Oak Tree Road. He was surprised at rampant traffi c violations coupled with packs of cyclists that whizzed through red lights. He set up a number of meetings, which included Assemblywoman Jaffee, County Representative Coker, Senator Morahan and the NYS Departmentt of Transportation.

• Installation of sidewalk on the north side of Oak Tree Road between the Post Offi ce and Route 9W: Jim Dean, Superintendent of Highways, and resident Henry Ottley will be meeting to address joint ownership of the property and the logistics of installing a sidewalk.

• Route 9W intersection: The NYS Department of Transportation has begun a traffic study of the intersection.

• Oak Tree Road: At our request, radar feedback signs have been re-installed on Oak Tree Road. Although there are still problems, the feedback signs are extremely efficient in calming traffic. Studies reveal that 85% of motorists travel 10 mph or more over the 30 mph speed limit creating a hazardous situation for residents and motorists.

• Closter Road and Route 340 have also been identified as roads that need safety improvements. Closter Road is a County road so the county needs to be consulted.

We have requested that officials meet with the community to discuss safety measures and steps to be taken to move these issues forward