Chief of South Orangetown Ambulance Corps Speaks to Palis-Agers

On January 21, Barbara Gupta, operational officer of SOAC, spoke at a meeting of the Palis-Agers. Although some of us have already called on SOAC in emergencies and discovered what a capable and helpful organization it is, we learned important facts during the course of Barbara’s speech.

SOAC, which serves Palisades, Sparkill, Blauvelt, Orangeburg and Tappan, is staffed by volunteers and there is always someone on duty. In case of a heart attack or other dire emergency the ambulance will go to the nearest hospital, which is usually Nyack Hospital. If the case is not an emergency, patients can request to be taken to other nearby hospitals, including Englewood Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital. Although Pascack Valley Hospital is closed, there is still an emergency room open on site and it is possible to go there if the ambulance staff thinks the case is appropriate. Medical insurance pays for the ambulance to take patients to the hospital. If your doctors are at Englewood or another hospital and you end up at Nyack because of the seriousness of your condition, you can arrange with your doctor for transportation later to the hospital of your choice. This transfer may not be covered by insurance.

Barbara encouraged us to call 911 in an emergency, instead of trying to bring someone to the hospital by car. The patient’s condition may change for the worse before reaching the hospital and most of us would be unable to cope with this situation. The ambulance is always staffed with emergency medical technicians who can deal with patient problems.

She also gave us magnetic envelopes containing forms to be filled in with vital medical information. These “MAGNETS OF LIFE” can be displayed in a prominent spot; they contain pertinent information beneficial to arriving police first responders, ambulance crews and paramedics.

Fund-raising by the organization occurs once a year and it is truly a worthy cause. SOAC can always use more volunteers and will train you if you are interested in joining the organization. For more information log onto

Palis-Agers Next Meeting

On Thursday, March 26, the Palis-Agers will meet again at the community room of the Palisades Presbyterian Church at 2:00 pm. All of us hope to stay in our own homes, but sometimes this becomes too difficult and we have to move on. At this meeting we will talk about the whole subject of group homes for older people: residences for independent living, residences for assisted living and nursing homes. What are the differences between them? How much do they generally cost? What is it like living in one?

Please write the date on your calendar. We will also try to remind you by telephone. Refreshments will be served: we look forward to seeing you all again. South orangetown ambulance corps, 1961