Palisades Alert: Panthers, Coyotes and Bears, oh my...

Panthers: Although there haven’t been any recent sightings, the cameras continue to be monitored. On September 8, a woman in Pomona unaware of our sightings, reported she saw a large black shiny feline animal, 3 feet high, 4 feet long, with a long ropey tail in her yard and has heard that other people have seen such an animal as well.

Coyotes: No strangers to Palisades, this summer many families of coyotes were seen prancing about various neighborhoods. Some described a number of them as mangy looking. In Rye Brook on September 6, a coyote lunged at a group of children. In response, a 13- year old boy slapped it and yelled to chase it away. An hour later it attacked and bit a 2-year-old and her dad who noted it was mangy and sickly looking. The coyote was tracked down and killed, moments after it ate the head of its own pup. It was tested positive for rabies. In August, Kristy Engels of Horne Tooke Road photographed a devoured deer, consistent with coyote behavior.

Bears: On August 13, Margie Goldstein took this picture of a black bear (about 250 lbs) as it foraged in the bushes for about 15 minutes at the base of Horne Tooke Road, and then proceeded east across Closter Road. In May and early August, a number of black bears had been spotted and captured in Englewood as well as Cresskill and Bergenfield.

What to do if you come in contact with these animals:
Face the animal and aggressively make loud noises. Throw sticks and stones. Keep your stare firm and back away. Make yourself larger by opening your arms or standing on a rock. Keep garbage secure. Thin brush-like areas because this is where they like to hide. Keep small children close by and animals on leashes. Call 911. Be aware but do not live in fear. Visit To report a sighting, e-mail PantherHotline@