Palisades Civic Association Faces A Shaky Future

Long Time President Eileen Larkin Resigns

When we formed the Palisades Civic Association more than 25 years ago, we were faced with zone changes that would have drastically changed Palisades. We should be forever grateful to people like Andy Norman, John Converse, John Kriz, Reg Thayer, Dr. Donald Tapley, Paul Prisco, Barbara Olson, Carol Elevitch and so many others who gave their time, money and their skills to this organization and prevented re-zoning so as to maintain the rural character of our community.

[Among the organization’s successes were keeping heavy trucks off Oak Tree Rd., keeping high-density housing from being built at the corner of Route 340 and Oak Tree Rd., blocking construction of a gas station and saving the wooded triangle in front of the post office, and preventing a chain factory from being built where the IBM Conference Center is now located—ed.]

In recent years, Palisades is fortunate that we have not seen any major zone changes. During this time, we have repeatedly asked the community for new board members and financial support but no one has volunteered to join and few funds have been contributed. A combination of factors are preventing people from becoming involved; work, family responsibilities and trying to make ends meet are the reasons we hear for people not wanting to be involved. As a result, the board of the Palisades Civic Association has been discussing the possibility of disbanding.

It is with much sadness that I have tendered my resignation from the civic association effective June 30, 2006. I was part of the founding of the organization and served as its president along with Andy Norman throughout its existence. I hope that Palisades remains the way it is today, with neighbors helping each other and contributing something towards the common good. We have a lot of new neighbors who have benefited from all we did. In some ways we are passing on the torch to you. We all have a stake in the future of Palisades. If anyone wishes to join the Palisades Civic Association, you have only to write to Box 222 and let us know before the end of June.