Palisades Community Center News

Festive Launch for the Third Edition of Palisades Famous Cookbook
On November 1, the Palisades Community Center kicked off the new Pots & Pans in Palisades cookbook with a tasting party. Amidst twinkling lights and with a glass of wine in hand, a hundred fifty partygoers sampled recipes from the cookbook contributed by dozens of Palisadians. We thank Alice Gerard and Mary Tiegreen for recreating a third edition of this cookbook, the first in forty years, and donating all profits from the sale of the cookbook to the Palisades Community Center Restoration Campaign. So far, almost 250 cookbooks have been sold.

Joe Hyde’s nephew, John Macy, donated a case of his famous Macy’s CheeseSticks and Anne Hyde Dunsmore traveled all the way from California to attend. We thank Joe Printz of Grape D’Vine for selecting the wine and for Marika Hahn, Jackie Martin, Nina Prusinowski, Susan Nemesdy, Elizabeth Quinn, Sally Morrison, Carol Knudson, Sheila Chin, Alice Buchanan, Michele Balm, Leo Keegan, Virginia McCauley, Jill Wecht, Eileen Larkin, Katey Plotkin, Marianne Brown, Helena Power, Judy Hata, Hubert Pedroli, and the Palisades Presbyterian Church for their part in making this a very special night.

Speaking of cookbooks… they are selling like hotcakes. A second printing of books had to be ordered, and these are now available for holiday gift giving. Cookbooks can be purchased at the Palisades Library or ordered through Eileen Larkin at 359-6589 or We also have adorable aprons that every household should have. Both cookbooks and aprons are $20 each.

Recent events

  • Build-a-Scarecrow & Carve-a-Pumpkin: A good time had by all!

  • Palisades Holiday Craft Bazaar: This second annual event featured crafts by area women artisans and crafters, food and pastries from La Promenade and local apples from Orchards of Concklin.

  • Law & Order rented the space for filming

Restoration Campaign

We are moving along nicely; we are delighted to report that we have completed the outside work that was planned. We greatly appreciate the discounted services and the fine work done by the following companies. Please patronize them and tell them that the Palisades Community Center sent you!

Tree work: Lincoln Colwell Arborist 480-4275

Fencing: Wayside Fence, Inc. 201-791-7979

Painting and repair of rotted wood: Gregar Construction 201-982-5146

Gutters and roof work: Edward Corey, Inc. 358-5848

Electric: Valentine Electric 398-1339

Pointing and foundation work: J R & R Landscaping 494-1567

Landscaping: Hey Hoe Garden Design 914-588-3522

We also thank Judy Tomkins and Bill Murray for the donation of four truckloads of plants. Additional thanks to Robby Whitstock, Larry Bucciarelli, Susan Nemesdy, John Guzewich, Chris Chin, Paul Goldman, and Boy Scout Den #88-1.


Every Tuesday and Thursday. Children at 7 p.m., Adults at 8 p.m. Call Chris Chin @ 365-9084 for more information.

Wish List

We need a DVD projector and 9’ x12’ screen. Can you make our wish come true?

October Restoration Campaign Donations

Thank you to Leslie Price Hayes, Miki Huyn, Albon Man, Gerry Miras, Milbry Polk, Lisa Rinehart and Judy Tomkins. We have much repair work we still need to do inside the building and financial donations enable us to make these needed improvements.

Want to help?

We have many ways that you can help or participate. Also, think of us when you need to rent a space for your classes, workshops or parties. E-mail us at for more information or to receive our monthly event e-blasts.