Palisades Community Center News - March 2011

Palisades Community Center Board Members:
Carol Baxter, President
Alice Buchanan. V.P
Carol Knudson, Secretary
Michele Balm, Mary Ann Brueckner, Lyn Fowler, Dr. Leo Keegan, Andrew Nelson, Michael Tersigni, and Honorary Board member Dr. Virginia McCauley

Rental Coordinator: Eileen Larkin, 359-6589,

Mailing Address: PO Box 222 Palisades, NY 10964

Join our e-mail list! Website:

We acknowledge Sheila Chin, past Secretary, and Jill Wecht, past Treasurer, as they step down from the Board. They were tremendously active in all our pursuits. They will be missed. We welcome our two new board members: Mary Ann Brueckner and Andrew Nelson.

In addition to the board members, we thank the following people for lending a hand this winter: Larry Buccarielli, Joyce Gavin, Robby Whitstock, Kate Plotkin, Nicole and Julia Balm, John Guzewich, Chris Chin, Annie Gerard, Ken Carbone, Marika Hahn, Shelly Cohen, Luke & Henry Graney, Bernadette Vero, Kathy Sykes & Liz Weber. A donation of hundreds of spring bulbs from Jan Doornbush of International Bulb Company was secured and planted by Cellen Wolk and Neal Harris of Hey Hoe Garden Design. Ace Hardware, Larry Beckerle and Blauvelt Lions Club donated materials for our lobby renovation.

We are very close to making the installation of a handicap ramp a reality that will make the PCC accessible to all!

A heartfelt thank you to Michael Tersigni for generously donating his time and expertise designing and drafting the plans for the ramp to be placed in the front of the building. Our foremost goal is to retain the historic integrity of the building. Thank you to ADA expert Shelly Cohen for overseeing the plans.
Be a part of this important project!
Donations are needed and volunteers are welcomed to help build it.

Mark your calendars!
March 6 4 pm Studio Art Sunday - Artist TBA
March 25 Game Nite 6:30-9:00 Ages 10-14 FREE
April 13 4pm Studio Art Sunday - Artist TBA
April 15 Game Nite 6:30-9:00 Ages 10-14 FREE
April 18-22 10:am -2pm: Spring Break Sewing Camp
And we have more events in the works!

Zumba… Fitness that feels like a party!
Every other Wed March 9, 23 April 6, 27 12:30-1:15pm $10
Cardio and strength training to international music.

Okinawa Karate with Chris Chin Every Tues and Thurs,
7 pm Kids 8pm Adults For further information, contact Chris at

Every Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm
Guest Vendors for March
5th Mama Earth gluten-free products
12th B & B Jams
19th Guyank Hot Sauce
26th Bombay Emerald chutneys

On March 5 and April 2, 9am-noon, bring in your kitchen knives and Jim the Knife Sharpener will make them new again!

Recent meetings with Supervisor Whalen, Councilmembers Low-Hogan and Maturo, Dept of Highways Jim Dean along with NYS Senator Carlucci have been encouraging.

Tuesday MARCH 8 7:30pm Town Hall in Orangeburg. We need your support. Let’s get this sidewalk installed this year