Palisades Community Center News: Our restoration efforts continue...

This summer, we finished exterior painting, weather-proofed, made improvements to the bathroom, planted our front gardens, and made hundreds of little repairs. Our big project was refinishing the floors. They are gorgeous. Come take a look. We highly recommend Floor Solutions who discounted their service in support of the building. They can be reached at (845) 406-2825. Tell them the Palisades Community Center referred them!

All programming at the Palisades Community Center is managed by volunteers. Since the summer, we would like to thank Cellen Wolk and Neal Harris of HeyHoe Garden Design for planting hydrangeas and roses in our front garden and giving a hand at anything to do with gardening. We also thank Joyce Gavin, Bernie Doyle, Larry Bucciarelli, Chris Chin and the Karate members, Susan Nemesdy, and Robby Whitstock for always lending a hand. We are especially grateful to Frank Umbrino, CPA, and David Howe, Esq., for helping us with our applications for non-profit status.

Volunteers are always needed. We have projects for all. Mark your calendars!


Yoga is Back! New time, Tuesdays at 8:00am with Charlene Bradin of the Birchwood Center. Oct. 6-Nov. 10. Six class sessions are $108. Dropins welcome. Bring your own sticky mat. Pre-register by October 3 directly with Charlene at Charlene@ or 358-6409.

Onikawa Karate with Chris Chin
Every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Kids at 7:00 pm Adults at 8:00 pm. For information: contact Chris Chin at Tifferchin@verizon. net or 914-523-8020.

Chess Classes for Kids by the National Scholastic Chess Foundation (NSCF). A six session, one hour class is now forming. For information: PCC@palisadesny. com. To learn more about NSCF:

Sunday, October 18
3:30-5:00pm Candidates Forum: A formal Q & A with candidates running for Town Supervisor and other town positions, followed by an informal “Meet & Greet” over refreshments. Come learn more about these candidates.

Sunday, October 25
Annual Scarecrows and Pumpkins
Come create a scarecrow masterpiece on our front lawn and purchase and carve your pumpkins. Hot dogs, cider and donuts available.

Wednesday, November 18 7:00pm
Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee will host a Neighborhood Assembly to meet our community, share her activities and hear our concerns.

Saturday, November 28
Annual Holiday Craft Bazaar
Quality crafts made by Hudson Valley women artisans, perfect for holiday gift giving. Also, Balthazar Bread and pastries and natural holiday décor. If you have any crafters to recommend, contact

Open Door We would like to open our doors every weekend for games, movies, crafts, snacks and just hanging out, but we can’t do it without volunteers. If you would like to be on our Open Door team, please contact us at

Palisades….. As I See It
Next spring, we will sponsor an art show to celebrate Palisades. All ages can submit a photo of a special place, a collection, a story of a moment in time, a poem, a drawing, a cardboard model of a favorite building, etc. Anything that expresses what makes Palisades special to us. Start creating. More details to follow.

Got Plants?
If you are dividing your perennials, we will give them a happy home in our gardens. Deer-proof plants only.

Monthly Calendar of events:
If you would like to be added to our e-mail list to receive a monthly calendar of events, contact us at