The Palisades Community Center: From Schoolhouse to Community Center, 140 Years Old and Still Going Strong

For one hundred years, the sounds of children playing and school bells ringing could be heard from the Palisades Schoolhouse located at 675 Oak Tree Road. Built circa 1870, the children of Palisades were educated in the Schoolhouse until 1936 when the student population outgrew the building and the red brick school was built across the street. From 1936 until 1970, the Schoolhouse continued to serve an educational purpose. In the late 1950’s, when the student population eventually outgrew the red brick building, kindergarten was held in the Schoolhouse and in the 1960’s both the kindergarten and 6th grade were housed there. Children walked across the street to the Schoolhouse for lunch prepared by the “Hot Mamas.”

In 1970, the Schoolhouse was given to the Palisades community by the South Orangetown Central School District. It became the Palisades Community Center (PCC) and has continued to hold a prominent and an important place in our community. In 1971, it was home to the Oak Tree Playgroup (later moving across the street in 1977 when the red brick school closed) and in 1987 the Blue Rock School had its beginnings (they later moved to their current home in West Nyack). Governed and managed by a board, this building has had lively and eclectic usage over the last forty years. The current board members are: Carol Baxter, President; Carol Knudsen, Vice President; Sheila Chin, Secretary; Jill Wecht, Treasurer; Michéle Balm, Leo Keegan and honorary board member Virginia McCauley. Eileen Larkin is Program Coordinator.

As we all know, there are many things that make Palisades unique and special. One is the Palisades Community Center. It is rare to have a building with this degree of historic significance in a community where events can be held in an open space. It is not affiliated with a church or any other organization. Through the decades it has been home to political discussions, important meetings to discuss and advocate for community issues and events that serve the community such as History Day and Earth Day festivals, flea markets (where one can either sell or buy), upscale craft shows, children’s enrichment programs and movie nights, toddler playgroups and nursery school, summer camp and cooking school, memorials and vigils, lectures, films, dinner parties, barbeques and pot lucks, art shows, club meetings, holiday and family celebrations, game nights, Palisades library events, square dancing, music events, farm and garden stands, and independent photo shoots. In 2005, Michéle Balm and Susan Shapiro produced a “living history” film with interviews of longtime Palisades residents, which is available on DVD for purchase at the library. Currently, the PCC is home to the Children’s Shakespeare Theatre and traditional Okinawa karate.

Restoration Campaign

The exciting news is that the building is currently undergoing much needed repairs and renovations, the aim of the Restoration Campaign which began a few years ago. Phase I was completed this spring with crucial tree removal, landscaping clearing and a desperately needed new fence. Currently in Phase II, water is getting moved away from the building, which includes new gutters (especially where none existed!), roof improvements, repointing of the foundation, elimination of the railroad tie bedding, regrading the soil away from the building and shoveling out the basement. Next we will be painting the exterior, which should be completed this fall. Phase III will address much needed electric and plumbing improvements. Phase IV will include interior updates to bathrooms and kitchen, replacement of the fluorescent lights, preservation of wood floors and replacement of windows. Phase V will be the completion of gardens and landscaping. It is the goal to have everything completed by summer 2009.
We greatly appreciate the following businesses that, in support of our Palisades community, discounted their services to help preserve this historic Palisades gem:

• Lincoln Colwell Arborist

• Wayside Fencing

• Edward Corey Roofing

• Gregar Painting and Construction

• Cellen Wolk and Neal Harris/ Hey Hoe Garden Design

• Paul Valentine Electric

We highly recommend these businesses to anyone who is doing renovation work. Their contact information can be found on; click on Palisades Community Center.

We thank the following for sharing their expert advice: Larry Bucciarelli (and his services), Henry Ottley (for the sign), Eli Josephs, Gaby Bochter and James Graney. Thanks to Susan Nemesdy for lifting a hammer when we need her and Luke Graney for mowing the lawn and special thanks to Robby Whitstock who created a practical to-do list as well as donating countless hours of physical labor.

We are grateful for the generous donations from 10964 and the Nemesdy and Andy Norman families that allowed us to jump start these renovations and to Alice Gerard and Mary Tiegreen for creating a new Pots & Pans in Palisades cookbook and donating the profits to the PCC.

We still have quite a way to go to meet our goal. The costs to complete the Restoration Campaign are estimated to be between $50,000 and $60,000. We welcome all donations, great and small, to help us preserve this historic treasure.

Inside, the four blank walls can be transformed into whatever your need. Our community is just a little bit richer because of the PCC. We welcome you to PCC events and invite you to join us in our restoration efforts. For further information or to donate, contact Carol Baxter at or 398-2521.

Upcoming Events at the Palisades Community Center

December 13 10am-3pm - People-to-People Holiday Gift and Food Drive

December 23 4pm -7th Annual Holiday Caroling with visits to Jawanio and the Esplanade

KID’S MOVIE & PIZZA NIGHT 6-9pm, the second Friday of every month.

Join our PCC e-mail list to receive monthly calendar of events:


Okinawa Karate every Tuesday and Thursday. Children-7pm; Adults-8pm. Contact: Chris Chin at or (914) 523-8020 Planet Art: Mommy & Me environmentally sensitive art classes. Thursdays at 10:30am. Contact: Amy Moss at or 480-5986 Music Together: Mommy & Me music classes beginning in January. Fridays at 10:30am, contact: Catherine Rubin at or (973) 249-9559

Rental information: Eileen Larkin at or 359-6589

Wish List

Along with the desire for financial contributions and volunteer repair help, we wish for the donation of a DVD projector and screen. This would enable us to show documentaries, hold film festivals and continue our children’s movie nights. Please contact Carol Baxter if you are able to grant us our wish! or 398-2521.