Palisades Presbyterian Church News March 2006

Church announcements, events, special services, workshops.

Easter Week Schedule for Services

Palm Sunday: April 9, 10:00 am
Maundy Thursday: April 13: 6:30 pm Pot-Luck Supper, 8:00 pm Service
(A joint service with St. Charles A.M.E. Zion in Sparkill at their Church)

Good Friday: April 14: Service at 12:00 noon
(Sanctuary to remain open for meditation until 3:00 pm.)

Easter Sunday: Regular Service, 10:00 am
Sunrise Service 6:30 am at the Ludington Home, 36 Lawrence Lane, Palisades

Calendar of Events

Please check our website: to get dates and times for the many activities announced in our Church Bulletin.

Also, throughout the year, Palisades Presbyterian will be holding periodic Palisades Pot-Luck and Picture Show evenings on selected Saturdays at 6:00 pm. Join us for good food and fellowship. We will put them on our web site as we decide on dates and movies. We have had two such evenings so far. On February 4th, we showed John Cleese in Clockwise and had to help a few members up off the floor from laughing so hard. It's a wonderful way to get to know your neighbors.

A Child's Spiritual Awakening
Occasionally in life, a moment happens that seems to glue itself onto your memory and you know it will be there forever. On Sunday, February 5th, PPC re-instituted the practice of sharing Communion with our children; they re-entered the Sanctuary (from Church School) and sat in the pews with their families.

As a server, I walked down the aisle and watched as each parent, almost silently, and with great love, affection and spirituality, showed their sons and daughters how to tear the bread, and which glass to take (the white one holding grape juice), and to wait until all were served when Rev. Bagnuolo completed the service.

It was so tender a moment, and I know those children will hold that memory for as long as I do. Their faces, as well as their parents, told me so. --Karen Consolini

Song (Sexuality: Our Needed Gift) Workshops
First workshop: Friday, April 28, from 7:00-9:00 pm; second (for youth): Sunday, April 30, 4:00-6:00 pm.

PPC is sponsoring SONG Workshops, conducted by Jenna Tiitsman, M.Div., to offer a new look at sexuality in a Christian context. Described as deeply transformative and a lot of fun, these workshops are based on the understanding that sexuality is a gift from God of which we must be good stewards. The first workshop, designed for parents and other adults, will look at sexuality holistically and inform parents of the content of the youth workshop.

The second workshop is for our 13-14 year-olds in PYOC and their friends. We have taken vows to nurture every child of the church in a life of faith. Teenagers are twice as likely to cite religious beliefs and morals as factors when making sexual decisions. It is time to speak the sacred message that our youth are special and worthy of great care. The focus will be on responsible decision-making, self-esteem and communication skills.

Sign up at church or email John Guzewich:, or Kathi Tiitsman at