Palisades Presbyterian Church News: Oct. 2010

Washington Spring Road, (845) 359-3147
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9am to 1pm
Pastor: Reverend Angela Maddalone,
Sunday worship service, 10 am; Sunday School, 10 am; Bible study, Wednesdays 12:15 pm; Parish House Choir Rehearsal, Thursdays 8 pm.

We are an open and affirming congregation who welcome all people regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or previous faith commitments. All are welcome and all will find a loving and safe community of faith within our sanctuary. We seek to enhance the experience of God through worship, educational offerings and spiritual fellowship.


Parent Support Group: October 1, 6 to 7:30 pm. Join us for pizza, general parental fellowship and sharing of concerns. Activities for kids following dinner. Open to the community on the first Friday of every month. Healing Service: October 10 at 11:30 am. Prayer for the healing of body, mind and spirit. Whether you are in need of healing or you wish to pray on behalf of someone else, you are most welcome to join us.

Annual Harvest Festival: October 16, 11 am to 5 pm. Homemade soups, breads, home baked pies and other desserts, face painting and pumpkin decorating for kids, crafts tables, art and photographs for sale, and a silent auction of goods and services which will include one-of-a-kind items donated by local artists, valuable books, meals at local restaurants, and many other exciting offerings. All proceeds will go to benefit the ongoing work and mission of the Palisades Church.