Palisades Presbyterian Church News: October 2024

Pastor: Reverend Erin Moore, Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
Tel: 845–359–3147, Email:

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UPCOMING EVENTS The Community Pasta Dinner will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 5:30-7:30 pm. Tickets are $15.00 (free under five years old). Dinner includes spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad and tasty desserts. Proceeds support Soup Angels, People to People, Midnight Run, Center for Safety and Change and Proyecto Faro.

Advent Wreath Making and Potluck Supper will be held on Sunday, December 1 from 5:30—7:30 pm. Sign up (845-359-3147 or to bring a dish, either a main course, salad or dessert. We’ll sing Christmas carols and decorate our advent wreaths. Bring your own wreath form and candles.

Soup Angels on Monday, September 16th 4:30-7:00 pm. Join us in serving hot meals to all who ask at the Nyack Reformed Church.

Center for Safety and Change Shine the Light: Solidarity Bridge Walk on Thursday, October 17th 11:30 am-1:00 pm to honor the victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Neighborhood Pantry Drop off non-perishable foods for South Orangetown area families in need in the cabinet outside the Parish House.

We are planning a community garden with native plants. We will need help gathering plants, planting and tendering through the year. Contact the church if you are interested.

Special Announcement
Pastor Erin Moore and husband James Peterson announce the birth of their daughter, Lorelai Alissa, 9 lbs 7 oz., 21 1⁄2 inches tall, on September 9. Rev. Moore will be on maternity leave until December 1; Rev. Bob Chase will pinch hit during her leave.@palisadespresbyterianchurch.