Progress for Palis-Agers

Last fall a small group of older Palisadians began to meet to discuss ways of supporting each other as they age in their homes. Returns to a questionnaire sent out in January indicated that a number of people were interested in the idea of such a support group.

On Thursday, March 13, all Palisadians aged 75 or older were invited to a meeting at 3:00 at the annex of the Palisades Presbyterian Church. The meeting, which was well-attended, provided a forum for the discussion of any concerns this age group is having now and might face in the future and gave us a chance to get to know each other.

Among the topics discussed were: assembling a list of reliable and reasonably priced service providers; finding helpers for odd jobs like snow plowing and shoveling; locating people to help with transportation, and useful procedures in a medical emergency. Representatives of the Rockland County for the Aging and from the Esplanade attended the meeting and gave helpful information.

Rockland County legislator Harriet Cornell is holding a series of three meetings on the subject of Aging-in-Place in Rockland County. The first meeting gave organizations helping seniors a chance to report on their needs. A second meeting was held on Tuesday, April 29th to explore the issue of assisting seniors to remain in their homes and communities. Some of the topics addressed included affordable housing, reverse mortgages, and transportation: Alice Gerard attended both meetings and reported on what our group is doing.

The latest project of the Palis-Agers is an afternoon of games and entertainment at the Community Center on May 15 (see Events). We are still exploring ways that our group can be useful to older Palisadians. Please let us know if you have ideas on this subject. At present, the Palis-Agers is an informal group of eleven people who have been meeting since last fall. Should we have a formal organization? Would you join? Let us know.

Please contact Alice Gerard at 359-4338 or PO Box 225 if you have questions or ideas that might help us.