Proposed Development in Piermont
In March of 2023, the Village of Piermont established a new zoning district for its historic downtown and other properties - the Central Business Multi-Use District (CBM) - by Local Law No. 4-2023. The law was created ostensibly to accommodate a proposed large multi-family apartment complex at 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue, a grassy triangle with parking and several trees, abutting Piermont’s Main Street. The legality of the new law has been refuted by residents, as has the wisdom of high density development on Piermont’s Main Street.
In March of 2023, the Village of Piermont established a new zoning district for its historic downtown and other properties - the Central Business Multi-Use District (CBM) - by Local Law No. 4-2023. The law was created ostensibly to accommodate a proposed large multi-family apartment complex at 447 - 477 Piermont Avenue, a grassy triangle with parking and several trees, abutting Piermont’s Main Street.
The legality of the new law has been refuted by residents, as has the wisdom of high density development on Piermont’s Main Street.
Village residents first learned of the proposed development in December of 2023. Many felt that development of this scale would drastically change the historic village’s character. They were also concerned that it would set a dangerous precedent for other projects. A vocal opposition to the project began.
Piermont residents soon learned that the Village had failed to send the law establishing the zone to the Coun- ty of Rockland - a violation of process. Under New York State’s General Municipal Law, certain zoning actions must be referred to the County of Rockland for comment. The referral allows the County to provide input on the impact that a zoning change or action will have on the municipality, including environmental considerations.
Residents notified Mayor Bruce Tucker and the Village Board of Trustees of the non-compliance with pro- cedure, but the Village continued to move forward. In response, Village residents formed the neighborhood coalition Preserve Piermont, and continued to speak out against the unlawful accommodation of the development.
When the Mayor and Board of Trustees were unresponsive to their concerns, several members of Preserve Piermont filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of the State of New York in April of 2024. The lawsuit alleged that the Village failed to keep residents informed of the law, its implementation and ensuing developments. The lawsuit also alleged that such developments, without County input, would substantially change the small river village beyond recognition and negatively impact individual homes and families.
In October of 2024, the Hon. Hal Greenwald, J.S.C. struck down Local Law No. 4-2023 and directed the Village to submit a new law for the County’s consideration. Residents and Preserve Piermont members remain concerned that the new law will not adequately consider the impact of high density development in the Village of Piermont, but they will continue to monitor the status of any proposed laws, zoning changes and/or plans for development.