Shakespeare Costumes at Bunbury's

The THIRD ANNUAL Costume Exhibit of costumes from the productions of The Children's Shakespeare Theatre is now on display at Bunbury's Coffee Shop on Main Street in Piermont - just in time for Halloween inspiration!

The costumes can be viewed during business hours (7:00am to 6:00pm) and will be on display until the end of October. 

"I look forward to this exhibit every year," says Tim Bartz, owner of the shop. "It is the show most commented upon by my customers as well. Everyone loves how bright and colorful it makes the room feel and they are always full of questions about the theater group and the lucky kids who get to wear these beautiful works of art!"

"I am always very impressed by the production value of the Children's Shakespeare shows," added Ned Kelly, owner of the shop next door and cabaret performer himself. "The costumes are glorious and all the graphics and art work surrounding the plays is fantastic."

The costumes on display this year are from last season's shows - Taming of the Shrew and Henry VI - and there is even one from the upcoming production of All's Well That Ends Well. This current production is set in the time of King Louis XIV and the king's coat on display is a beautiful silver and black baroque frock coat covered in fleur-de-lys. To see the coat in action, come and see All's Well That Ends Well presented by The Rogue Players of the Children's Shakespeare Theatre on November 1, 7 & 8 @ 8:00pm and November 2nd @ 4:00pm.

The Children's Shakespeare Theatre is in it's TENTH SEASON this year and will be celebrating with various activities throughout the school year as well as four new productions!