Stolen Car Abandoned on Heyhoe Woods Rd.

This past Friday, early-rising residents of Heyhoe Woods Rd. were mystified by the sudden appearance of a late model silver Lexus RX 330 SUV with New Jersey plates parked in the middle of their street with the doors wide open.

This was easily the worst parking job we've seen in years. Clearly, the driver had departed in quite a hurry. What happened? Did they forget their Columbian Coffee?

Closer inspection revealed that the steering column, airbags, xenon headlights and probably several other parts had been stripped off the chassis. The already disorderly contents of the car – clothing, CD discs, shopping bags, dirty fast food containers etc. were strewn out onto the pavement in all directions.

Two police cars were soon on the scene, along with a crowd of excited, small boys and other curious onlookers.

The crime beat scenario: sometime between 12:30 and 5:30 a.m. car thieves had arrived, stripped and abandoned the car and then departed with their loot in a second vehicle.

According to the officers handling the investigation, the perpetrators were very professional, and probably took less than ten minutes to accomplish as much labor as might take an hour or more at a dealership. The spot they stopped in is the only one completely screened by trees in all directions. No one woke, not a dog barked during the entire operation.

A sudden thunderstorm broke up the party, and within an hour, a police towtruck had removed the vehicle to the evidence pound.

Check to make sure your insurance policy is paid up! This crime was too close for comfort and a bit spooky.