Ann Gray: The Flower Lady Remembered

Once you met Ann Gray, it was hard to forget her. Although small in stature, at 87 years old, she had the enthusiasm and energy of youth, a passion for flowers and gardening, and was involved in a number of local civic and environmental organizations. Ann passed away after a short illness on March 9th. Up until two weeks before her death, Ann could be seen zipping around town in her car, on her way from one commitment to the next.

Ann Gray was born on May 26, 1918. A year later, her parents Ada Bruner and George Gray, a well-known science writer and author of books, moved to Rockland Road in Sparkill. It was here that she developed her life-long love of nature. She grew up in a time when Sparkill was a hub of activity. The train that ran through Rockland made a stop in Englewood and then Sparkill. She remembered Sparkill as a bustling village that had many shops, among them a fine butcher shop and a large grocery store (where Relish is today). All that dissolved when the trains stopped running.

Ann attended high school at the Dwight School for Girls in Englewood. In 1940, she graduated from Wellesley College and immediately moved to New York City to pursue a career in publishing and advertising. She later returned to Sparkill, moving back into the house of her youth where she remained with her sister, Frances Pellegrini, until the end. Surrounded by beautiful gardens, she was always willing to share a root or clipping of her rare plants and loved to speak about new plantings in her garden. She was an active member of the Nyack Garden Club and for a number of years served as their president. Weeks before her illness, she would easily turn a conversation to the annual Nyack Garden Show which she helped to coordinate every April.

Anyone walking into the magical children’s shop Buttercup and Friends in Piermont will remember Ann behind the counter. The shop, owned and operated by her sister Frances, has been part of the fabric of Piermont for 21 years. Ann was able to help their customers find the perfect baby, birthday or “just because” gift while catching up with the latest news. Up until her death, she did the daily “sums” at the end of each day.

A dedicated member of the Palisades Presbyterian Church, for years, Ann could be counted on to bring the flowers for the Sunday service. She and Frances were active in the planning of the church’s community events. Many were lucky to purchase Ann’s charming hand-made bouquets at her flower booth at the annual Strawberry Festivals. Palisades residents will also remember her every election day at the Palisades school where she spent the day as a poll watcher.

It was fitting that on Saturday, April 22 - Earth Day - a memorial service was held for her at the Palisades Church. After the service, in the back of the church, a garden was planted in her honor and filled with plants donated by friends and family. Ann was laid to rest in a private ceremony in the Palisades Cemetery on March 11.

Loyal, enthusiastic, full of life and an inspiration to many, Ann will be missed in our community.