Children's Shakespeare Theater -- A Testimonial

There is one place, a room in a church on a little road, in which I feel more comfortable that any other. It is cavernous, with skylights and deep brown rafters and it is there, in that room, that I have been a fourteen year-old girl, eager for love. There, too, that I have been the commander of the roman army, a shepardess, a rebellious daughter.

I have been a dutiful servant and a woman pregnant out of wedlock. I have suffered the loss of my cousin, my mistress, and my friend. I have danced, fought with swords, and plotted against a Scottish nobleman. I've been in a forest of fairies and I've feigned death. I've felt a thousand foreign feelings and I've done the impossible. For nine years, this room has been the home of the Children's Shakespeare Theatre. For nine years, it has been my home, too.

Being a part of a theater is an incomparable experience. Being part of one that does Shakespeare plays, is under direction of a unbelievably creative and open woman, and puts you in contact with passionate, motivated and talented teens, is even more incredible. It's hard for me to comprehend how extraordinary this group is because I can't imagine my life without it.

Since fourth grade, I've loved being an actress, but, as I realize now, not just for the applause, the stage or the lights. Acting has fed and fostered my fascination with people and my passion for stories. Through Shakespeare's plays and characters, I've been able to explore all kinds of people, delve into their lives, their motivations and their perspectives. Over the years, I've discovered truths about human nature and learned more about who I am by trying on other selves. How would I feel, what would I do, if I found out my husband killed my cousin? What would it be like to be courted by a madman? How do people respond to power?

It is hard to imagine what kind of person I would be had I not joined this organization. I would probably have less self-confidence, less appreciation for language and literature, and less insight into the motivations of the people around me. Theater has shaped me, and I know I will always be tied to it, and to the room in which I helped create it.

About the author and the Children's Shakespeare Theater

*Caroline is a founding member of Children's Shakespeare Theater and has been part of the the group since 1999. She will be attending Vassar College in Fall 2008. She wrote this testimonial in tribute to this thriving community theater group started by and sustained by Palisadian Diana Green. Diana's extraordinary vision and tireless hard work have changed not only her own life, but also the lives of all the children and young people who participate. Diana has brought into being a vibrant theatrical community and she continues to nurture potential in each person who becomes part of this enterprise. We are all grateful. Bravo! *