Don Bracken, Publishing History

Don Bracken, a Palisades resident who decided retirement wasn’t for him, started the History Publishing Company in January, 2007.

“I wrote two books then registered with Writers’ Market, which is where writers go to find publishers. Fortunately, one of my efforts, The Words of War, dealing with the contrasting reportage of northern and southern newspapers during the Civil War, received good reviews and was a finalist for a national book award for history by Foreword Magazine, the trade magazine for university and independent presses.”

That got some attention along with the next book,Hunting the American Terrorist, by the FBI Unit Director Terry Turchie and FBI clinical psychologist Kathleen Puckett who led the final pursuit and capture of Ted Kaczynski. The book recounts that experience in a narrative style and won two awards. “We got further notice and the manuscripts started pouring in. Now we have nine books out and there are nine more to be released this year.” One of the more intriguing is a June release called The War of Ideas by Col. Carm Cicalese of the U.S. Army who led the information and PSYOPS operation during the Surge in Iraq. It is an inside look at how the thinking of the Sunni and Shia focus was diverted from mutual assault and re-focused on Al-Quiada. The DOD is currently in the process of passing on it and it has gotten attention from the BBC and other outlets around the world. James Heaphey’s Legerdemai: The President’s Secret Plan, the Bomb, and What the French Never Knew, from History Book Publishing, based largely on recently declassified files, was released in 2008 and is being considered for the prestigious Harry S. Truman Book Award. This bi-annual award, sponsored by the Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, recognizes the best book within a two-year period to address issues of vital security and importance to the United States during the Truman Administration. James Heaphey writes with first-hand knowledge as a member of a covert operation.

Homeland Insecurity, the latest release, which Publishers Weekly said was about “the exercise of unfettered political power,” is also by Turchie and Puckett and has gotten “must read” reviews from Midwest Book Review, Marine Corps Times, Bookviews, Grapevine and others. The book deals with the addiction to power by some elected officials in Washington and how the infringement of civil liberties has occurred as a result. Dr. Puckett focuses on the thinking and the emotional needs of fourteen politicians and what drove them to actions detrimental to the nation’s security.

The book was selected as part of an “Everything Obama” display at Washington airports during the inauguration and is on sale at Barnes and Noble stores and Borders stores nationally. Contact Don Bracken, (845)398-8161, for more information.