Eric Vorenkamp Exhibits at Grape D'Vine

Joe Printz’s exhibition space in his shop, Grape D’Vine, on Main Street in Tappan is just at eye level above the racks of wine. Looking up from reading his suggestions for pairing wine with food, one notices the interesting range of artists who exhibit on his walls. Waiting for Joe to finish with a customer gives one an excellent opportunity to examine the art from across the room for perspective, or up close for technique.

Joe Printz has shown over 50 artists since he opened in 2002. Some of them have been notable, such as Sue Badalamente; others have been merely wonderful, such as Joe’s young daughter Emma, and all of them are of merit. Together with Joe’s engaging personality and the quality of the wine, they make patronizing Grape D’Vine a social and cultural event.

This past November, Eric Vorenkamp of Palisades exhibited his black and white photographs. Eric’s principle avocation is photography. He is a devotee of film and silver gelatin prints and his work represents a collaboration with Chuck Kelton, master printer in New York City, and Luise Weischowsky, expert framer in Blauvelt.

As Eric was preparing for the exhibit, he mentioned that this was his first. He has been taking pictures essentially all his life, for pleasure, beginning at age 12 when his father, also a photographer, gave him a brownie box camera for his birthday. He quickly became entranced with the notion that a fleeting moment can be made to reveal intense emotion and complex narrative. Essentially self-taught, he has taken classes at ICP with Chuck Kelton and Paula Barr. Eric is planning his next exhibit for the autumn of 2008 in New York City.

The Grape D’Vine is open Mon. thru Sat. from 11 am - 8 pm.