Palisades Church Has New Pastor

The Palisades Presbyterian Church is very happy to announce our new pastor Reverend Angela Maddalone. The congregation unanimously called Rev. Maddalone as our pastor at our candidate Sunday in September. Angela began her call at Palisades on November 3rd.

Reverend Maddalone comes to us from the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown, NY, where she has been the Associate Pastor for Youth, Christian Education and Mission since 1999.

Angela was ordained in 1999, after earning a Masters of Divinity from Union Theogical Seminary in 1998, and she recently completed a Masters of Sacred Theology with an emphasis in Social Ethics and Preaching from Union Theogical Seminary in 2008. She entered seminary after many years as a licensed Registered Nurse.

As a strong believer that “worshipping our Creator creatively lifts our spirits as we open ourselves to the Divine Spirit,” her approach includes integrating the arts into worship, preaching in partnership with the congregation and preaching for social transformation. She has also led numerous workshops and retreats on spirituality and prayer throughout the Presbytery. At Yorktown she developed a thriving youth program where teens engaged in creative and enlightening worship, mission and social activities.

Angela also seeks to ignite a passion for social justice and hands-on mission. Locally, she has been involved with Midnight Run, Rural Migrant Ministries, interfaith dialogue, advocacy for affordable housing and inclusion of the LGBT community. She has also led several intergenerational mission trips with members of her congregation and the Presbytery, including service projects in both New Orleans and Nicaragua. Throughout her ministry she stresses the importance of “living out our faith while reaching out to local and global communities.”

Angela is the mother of two children, Joseph, 21, a financial accounting major at SUNY Geneseo and Chelsea 17, a senior at Yorktown High School.

We welcome all to meet our new pastor in the coming weeks and to join in this transition for Palisades Presbyterian Church.