Palisades Community Center - October 2006

As we regroup after a brief summer respite, the PCC Board is diligently working on several fronts to continue the trend toward making the Community Center an active hub of our community. The fresh paint job, wallpaper and gorgeous new curtains have given the center that added touch to make it much more inviting and flexible for a broader spectrum of venues. We urge you to consider renting the space for your upcoming special event as it is becoming our own little backyard special events facility! Let’s keep it thriving!

We have some new regular tenants this year including the Audubon Society who will run their annual monthly meetings here. The Children’s Shakespeare Group will utilize the space for additional rehearsals during production time. We are also thrilled to be working with the Palisades Free Library Board. The library will be using the space to host some of its adult programs. Because the center is a natural place for those programs to be housed, we hope that additional events will move there permanently.

The website has proven to be a very efficient way for our community to communicate. Please don’t forget to visit the site and familiarize yourself with all it has to offer. All upcoming PCC events will be posted on the website as well.

We welcome any and all community residents to become members of the Palisades Community Center which will enable you to receive good discounts of the rental fee for the building! It’s quick and easy and just a phone call away to Michele Balm at 845-359-3776 or you can easily download the form from the above website. Looking ahead to December, we will be sponsoring the Holiday Caroling Sing-a-Long. Watch for posting of time as the season draws nearer.