Did You Feel It?
When the magnitude 4.8 earthquake rattled the N.Y. Metro area on Friday, April 5 at 10:23 am ET, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory seismographs and seismologists were shook! Among the events to follow was a magnitude 3.8 aftershock at approximately 6:00 pm ET.
Read more...Palisades Community Center News: March 2024
Circa 1870
Are you new to Palisades? Welcome! We invite those who do not receive our e-blasts to e-mail us at PCC@palisadesny.com to receive Palisades alerts and event information.
Read more...Scammers Everywhere: How to Avoid Being Scammed
Fraud and identity theft is growing as highly competent fraudsters make every effort to take advantage of you. A recent New York Times article read, “Checks Stolen From Mail Sold Online.” Thieves either assume a fake identity and open a bank account or wash the ink off and rewrite the check.
Read more...Palisades Free Libraty News: March 2024
Palisades Free Library
Member of the Ramapo Catskill Library System
19 Closter Road, Palisades, NY 10964
845-359-0136 www.palisadeslibrary.org
Bulletin Board, March 2024
South Orangetown Central School District parents of toddlers (kids who turn four before December 1, 2024) can apply before March 22 for free Pre- Kindergarten programs (2 1⁄2 or 5 hours/day), five days a week during the 2024-25 school year. For more information, visit www.socsd.org/prek or contact Rudy Arietta, upk@socsd.org 845-680-1059.
Read more...In Memorium - Michael Shanahan
Michael Shanahan of Palisades, New York, husband of Beverly Warwick, passed away December 26, 2023. Mr. Shanahan was born in Bronx, New York and raised in Rockland County, NY. After earning multiple Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering, and prior to embarking on a legal career, Mr. Shanahan was a Staff Engineer at AlliedSignal (now Honeywell) where he worked on numerous high-profile projects including the International Space Station. He is listed as an inventor on 21 US patents.
Read more...Palisades Presbyterian Church News: March 2024
Pastor: Reverend Erin Moore, Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
Tel: 845-359-4147, Email: ppc10964@gmail.com, Website: www.palpresny.org.
Follow us on: www.facebook.com/ThePalisadesPresbyterianChurch@palisadespresbyterianchurch
In Our Neighborhood: Natural Organic Skin Spa
Recently my friend Kam told me about Natural Organic Skin Spa. It’s nearby on the south side of Oak Tree Road just past Route 303 next to the barber shop. It is owned by Julie Lee. She is an esthetician with 20 years experience having trained at the Manhattan School of Esthetics.
Read more...Second Hand Shopping: A Hot Ticket These Days
For years, a wide assortment of antique shops made Nyack a destination. When many closed, secondhand stores moved in, offering unique quality merchandise to fill the void. There are now seven shops in town that sell clothing, accessories and jewelry to suit all ages, sizes and genders. One-of-a-kind, frequently brand-name goods, many in eco-friendly fabrics like silk, wool and cotton that look like new can be purchased at half the price. Secondhand purchases not only contribute to the health of your wallet but to the planet as well, a “win-win all around.
Read more...St. Thomas Aquinas College Signs Tuition Scholarship Agreement to Help Boost Recruitment of Local Volunteer Firefighters
St. Thomas Aquinas College is proud to announce a partnership with its community fire department to offer tuition scholarships to volunteers who become firefighters at the Sparkill- Palisades Fire Department.
Read more...Supervisor Meets Palisadians
At the February 4th annual Palisades Community Center meeting, the guests were Orangetown Supervisor Teresa Kenny and representatives from the Sparkill-Palisades Fire Department, Chief Michael Yannazonne Junior and Senior and Palisades resident Captain Joshua Panter. Supervisor Kenny is beginning her third term and we are grateful that she comes to our annual meeting each year to discuss local issues.
Read more...Palisades Community Center News: Dec. 2023
675 Oak Tree Road Palisades, New York
Board members:
Carol Baxter, President, Michele Balm, VP, Marco Jo Clate, Secretary,
Carol Knudson, Treasurer, Sabelle Frasca, Leo Keegan, Erin Mullahy, Sunny Park
Rental Coordinator:
Eileen Larkin, ileenog@aol.com
Palisades Free Libraty News: Dec. 2023
Palisades Free Library
Member of the Ramapo Catskill Library System
19 Closter Road, Palisades, NY 10964
Bulletin Board, Dec. 2023
New Bus Routes
Covid-19 put a dramatic halt to the already dismal bus service to New York City, diminishing it to two buses in the morning and two at night. As of mid-October, the bus service has expanded, adding many more routes. The real test will be whether Rockland Coaches will provide reliable, on-time service. To keep this bus service alive and well, consider leaving your car at home on occasion, and taking the bus.
To Port Authority Bus Terminal: (approx. 58 min) 6:42 am, 7:22 am, 7:52 am, 8:22 am, 8:52 am, 10:52 am, 12:52 pm, 2:52 pm and 4:52 pm
To GWB: (approx. 27 min) 7:03 am, 8:03 am, 9:48 am, 11:48 am, 3:48 pm
From Port Authority Bus Terminal: (approx. 48 min) 4:15 pm, 4:45 pm, 5:15 pm, 5:45 pm, 6:15 pm
From GWB: (approx. 26 min) 8:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm
Tickets can be purchased online: Adult: $8.75, (0-14) $5.50, Senior/Special needs $4.35
Palisades Presbyterian Church News: Dec. 2023
Pastor: Reverend Erin Moore; Sunday Worship: 10:00 am
Tel: 845-359-3147, Email: ppc10964@gmail.com, Website:
Follow us on: www.facebook.com/ThePalisadesPresbyterianChurch@palisadespresbyterianchurch
New Interim Director Named at Lamont-Doherty
Steven Goldstein, the Higgins Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and a member of the LDEO Geochemistry Division, has recently been appointed Interim Director of Lamont-Doherty, replacing Maureen Raymo who resigned to focus on her research.
Read more...Holtec & Hochul: A David and Goliath Story
Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Buchanan, N.Y. previously owned by Entergy, was sold and transferred to Holtec International, LLC in 2021. Indian Point was closed for financial reasons and for the safety of the environment: air, water, soil AND for the health and safety of the public and workers. This issue had been studied since 2012.
Read more...Understanding the Blue Machine
"The Blue Machine" is the title of a book by British oceanographer and physicist Helen Czerski in which she describes the ocean engine that distributes equatorial heat around the world by means of gigantic ocean currents. A lot of the work establishing the existence of these currents was done by scientists at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, located in Palisades. My husband Sam Gerard participated in some of this research, working with other scientists, including Wallace Broecker.
Read more...Our New Neighbor: Grace Knowlton’s Steel Twist
Drivers, bikers and pedestrians entering the Village of Piermont from points South are greeted by Grace Knowlton’s spectacular sculpture, Steel Twist, newly installed at the intersection of Ferdon Avenue and Rockland Road. Knowlton’s iconic work presides over this gateway to our village, resting on a plinth of massive granite blocks, thanks to the generosity of the artist’s family and our neighbors. The story of how this came to be stretches back more than a dozen years.
Read more...Looking for the Light
As far back as we go in human history, we find people marking the midwinter solstice, the coldest time of the year in temperate climates, with rites and celebrations. Many of these celebrate light. Early cultures were aware that the day was getting shorter, and afraid that light might disappear permanently without the performance of special ceremonies. When it was clear that the days had stopped getting shorter, and that the terrifying changes were reversing themselves, everyone celebrated. Perhaps they were luckier than we are: nature always came through for them, the light always returned, and their fears were allayed. Some of these celebrations lasted for days and raised everyone’s spirits in spite of the cold weather and temporary darkness.